Celebrity musicians and performers have needs. These needs are placed in a rider to their performance contract known as the dressing room rider, the catering list and the green room requirements. Not to be taken lightly, these are items the celebrity has requested and you have agreed to supply but some requests from celebrities from the past are fun to remember and make for great Trivia Questions.
What Famous Singer Required 12 Rolls of Cherry Life Savers in his Dressing Room?
– for answer, read on…
Star Dressing Room Demands | A Fun Look at Celebrity Requirements
You’ve heard about the musicians that demand “only green M&Ms” and the celebrity diva that requires her “coffee must be stirred counter-clockwise only” but here are other contractually required items from favorite Celebrity performers from the past.
For confidentiality purposes, current performers are not included.
(We really wish we could tell you about Beyonce, Cher, Diana and all the hip-hop acts that compete with the grandest of Divas, but we cannot.)
4 Stars from the Past and their Dressing Room Requirements
Although many green room or dressing room rider requests routinely ask for off-beat items, the following items always stood out.

Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra:
- 12 rolls of Cherry Life Savers
- 3 cans of Campbell’s Chicken & Rice soup (heated)
- 24 chilled jumbo shrimp
- 1 bottle Jack Daniel’s
- 1 bottle Courvoisier

Luciano Pavarotti
Luciano Pavarotti:
- We are very strict on noise control
- HVAC must have no audible hum or noise
- There must be no distinct smells anywhere near the Artist
- There can be no flowers in the dressing room or backstage

Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash:
- An American Flag on a pole stand (typical size 3′ x 5′) is required in full view of the audience throughout the show

James Brown
James Brown:
- (1) one stretch limousine, black or white, 186 inches long, current year
- Professional hooded hair dryer
- There MUST be an oxygen tank and mask on stage at all times
- As close to Mr. Brown’s dressing room as possible, a room for his wardrobe mistress
Providing the Catering Requests Correctly Will Help the Whole Show
In our opinion, there is hardly an easier way to ensure that you will have an uncomplicated celebrity performance, with cooperation and an accommodating attitude on the part of the celebrity, then to fulfill the dressing room requests correctly and according to their dressing room rider. When a celebrity level performer sees that you cared enough to provide their requests according to their outlined catering and dressing room wishes, it is appreciated and generally goes a long way in presenting a hospitable and welcoming atmosphere. This is not the area to cut corners. Omitting items and not supplying the requests properly is not seen as just a client’s desire to save few dollars, it is seen as disrespect to the artists wishes.
Remember, when an initial performance contract is signed, part of the agreement is to fulfill an artist’s dressing room and/or green room catering list and details. If these items are not provided as requested, the performer will generally perceive this as neglecting an agreed upon contract requirement and is certainly not the best way to begin your relationship with the celebrity.
More about Celebrity Dressing Room Requirments
Many clients may not realize that the celebrity performer may arrive at your venue having been on a tour schedule and may not have been home in weeks. Artists routed on a tour may have been in 12 cities in the past 20 days and they depend on the items they requested. Providing the items on the catering list and dressing room details tells a celebrity performer you care. From our experience, when you show that you care enough to get their dressing room requests correct, the artist is motivated to deliver their best performance plus a personable and memorable meet & greet experience.